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Friday 19 December 2014

Reflective Practices

According to Dewey (1933), reflection can be explained as a:
  • A meaning making process
  • Systematic way of thinking; and
  • Method which requires attitude that values personal and intellectual growth of oneself.
In this lesson I learnt that reflective practice is fundamental when I needs to stop and analyse my decision making process and draw on theory in order to relate it in real life situations.

Doing so refocuses thinking on existing "knowledge and helps generate new knowledge and ideas", according to the Charted Institute of Physiotherapy. In short, reflection clarifies thoughts; and improves [future] situations or problems.

Different method of reflection can be used, such as;
  • Keeping a diary
  • Working with colleagues 
  • Writing a blog

It is also important to share one's reflections with other. This encourage:
  • Other to learn from your experience
  • Efficiency 
  • A different perspective which can take away "some of the subjectivity of a reflective practice" (, [no date]).
Different methods of reflection include:

Driscoll Reflective model - The experiential learning cycle

Kolb Reflective model

Gibbs Reflective model

Reflecting has indeed helped me in a workplace environment as well as academically.

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